Report Quote #9079

//chaotic lodal anthology, april 6 "Kingsport Tennessee. What a town. Don't recommend it to anyone." *puts on a mask with a ridiculous fake face* "Is this going to be distracting? Oh well. It cost $3." "No one calls me Erik except my children when they're making a power play." "I don't deserve the name coach, which is exactly why I'd like you to call me that." "This is Wallace. He bit me five times this morning, but he's my buddy." "I hate Ohio. #1 worst state in the union. My reasons for that are, I hate their sports teams, and they have a toll road that's like, the worst." "The name of this presentation is Sol Invictus. I need to share with you why I named it this. I had this friend back in high school. We didn't like going outside because we're pale white people and we burn easily, so my friend would always say 'Curse you, Sol Invictus!' And now I always call the sun that." "Within this presentation I have included random gifs that are unrelated to the topic as breaks so I can rediscover them every year. I really love just seeing this guy slap a cobra." "You guys at least pretend to care about what I'm saying. You take the time away from whatever you're actually doing to give me a thumbs up, and I appreciate that." "All I know about this job is that you sit in front of a computer all day and have no social interaction. Appealing lifestyle. Maybe you should be astronomers." "I'm telling you about this because of the acronym. GONG." "Arizona sucks. What a crummy place to live." "I root for sports teams more to be a troll than to actually root for them." "That's how I figured out it was someone I actually knew. I used roll tide."

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