Report Quote #3639

Lodal: Wait, is apparent spelled with one "r" or two? Class: One "r". Lodal: So this the time where I tell you guys that I was actually the third grade spelling bee champion. //Lodal proceeds to write "apparent", but spells it as "apparenent" //class snickers, then Lodal realizes his spelling error. //soon after Lodal spells "brightness" as "brightnes" Lodal: And the thing is, if someone else makes a a spelling mistake somewhere, I would be the one to point it out. //Lodal continues writing on the board, but then spells "luminosity" as "luminosty" //Finally, Lodal finshes the equation [apparent brightness is proportional to luminosity over d^2] Lodal: I had to write distance squared with just a "d" so I couldn't misspell it.

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