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Dec. 12, 2022, 12:03 a.m.

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Zachary Parsia: Expired condoms are useful...for making babies



Sept. 29, 2010, 2:45 p.m.

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Mr. Swaney: I'm living in a war zone... this has just been a terrible week. And yesterday we were handing out textbooks in NSL, and we had finished, but a girl was like, [squeaky voice] "I need a new textbook." And I just said, "We don't have any more." And she was still like, "No, I really need a new textbook." You know what was there? A condom. //the class reacts Swaney: A USED condom. So we Cloroxed that thing to within an inch of its life... but I was just shocked. So shocked that I forgot to check the back of the book for a name.