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Jan. 4, 2019, 9:10 a.m.

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// Poli stat, group is sharing stuff with each other Elaine: I get excited each time I get a new email but they're all from Steven...



March 5, 2018, 10:02 a.m.

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//A Japanese student is following Elaine around //20 minutes into achem, Pham still hasn’t noticed that she’s there Pham: Do we have new student? Please introduce yourself to the class. //She quietly says her name and that she’s from Japan Pham: Oh you Japanese? I couldn’t tell, all asian look the same!



Nov. 9, 2017, 11:59 a.m.

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Elaine: You are the Earth in the Goldilocks zone.



Oct. 25, 2017, 12:13 p.m.

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Elaine: Are Jewish people ... Jewish?