Report Quote #11768

//chaotic stein anthology, april 18 "For those of you who like taking standardised tests -- which is not me ..." "You know what's your real friend? Copy-and-paste." "Now, if we the Checkmeister is not paying attention, or is sleeping, or is playing chess in her class -- we stare at her, and there is a long pause, and we might impeach the Checkmeister -- with a two-thirds vote, of course." "ChaAaAaArt! ChaAaAaArt! ChaAaAaArt! Sorry, I've broken down. It's my 29th year, and I've finally broken down. ChaAaAaArt!" "The maths is usually not the issue. The issue is usually the youth not wanting to check assumptions. Because the youth don't want to write complete sentences." "The youth don't like typing sentences! The youth like copy-and-paste." "Imagine you have 50 iguanas in your hand."

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