Report Quote #845

//Whitacre just told the class to make a environmental right/wrong chart based on an article... Whitacre: You know what folks, you don't seem to get it. If you weren't discussing this, then you'd get it. If you discuss, you get confused, you talk even more, and no one knows what's happening. In fact, I think some of you guys aren't even discussing this class, I see some Math going on over there. Mario: Yeah, we're calculating how successful they were. Whitacre: It TELLS you about that stuff! They even say what results they got in some places! Student: But it keeps talking about how bare everything is and how there's dirt storms! What does that have to do this archeologist guy? Whitacre: Were you listening? I said "Find 2 ecological wrongs and what they tried to do to fix them!" It's SUPPOSED to sound like that! I'm gonna come over there, beat you over the head! Same with you folks doing math!

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