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⚐ ReportFreeman: Those pilgrim people, you know, the ones with the shoe buckles on their heads...
⚐ ReportFreeman: It was 9 or 10 years ago, and I've had a lot of concussions, so I'll do my best.
⚐ ReportFreeman: Whats the swedish word for six Thomas: Sex Freeman: Correct. (continues lesson)
⚐ ReportFreeman: Is that like saying "I have a shawl collection I keep on the beaches of the world"?
⚐ ReportFreeman: I want to enjoy our time together. I don't want to go home stressed and stab my cat with a fork or something. //later Freeman: I don't want to go home and sit with my cat popping bonbons.
⚐ ReportFreeman: If you go and look at the juniors, you'll see they're relatively unscathed.
⚐ ReportFreeman: They blow the whistle so often its like an ADHD game of red light-green light.