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⚐ Report// Resonance hybrids Hart: Unicorns don’t exist. Hart: Dragons don’t exist. Hart: Rhinos won’t exist for long…
⚐ ReportMs Hart: Why are they sending emails so late at night? Who's checking then!?!? Ms Hart: I mean, me, but still.
⚐ Report//Hart orgo period 8 Hart: Does anyone know what a zombie smells like? It smells really good, like fruit punch.
⚐ ReportHart: You ever see those Finnish names, where there's 7 K's in a row, but it's pronounced "Sam"?
⚐ Report//Pd 1 Orgo Hart: Who here knows the pKa of an alkyne? Bryan Li (not even looking up from his phone): 25 Hart: Woah! How did you know that? (sees that Bryan is on his phone) did you just search that up... Bryan (enthusiastically showing Hart his phone screen): WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M PLAYING PHONE GAMES!!!
⚐ Report//Organic chemistry, period 4 Hart: What if there's an active shooter and a fire at the same time? Joseph: Tell the teacher.
⚐ Report//Organic chemistry Hart: I wanted to get a different color paper for each project. So, I called the paper companies and asked, "Do you have light chartreuse?"
⚐ Report//Ms. Hart is talking about Okapis. See here: Hart: Can someone please explain to me - why are only their legs striped? Are they, like, galloping through bar codes?