Quote #12335 



Oct. 17, 2023, 3:16 p.m.

⚐ Report
Mitchum, Jonathan A (Student): 1. Dual federalism was an era of federalism where the lines of the power of the federal and state governments were broadly defined. Hua, Ethan Y (Student): Hey, those lines of power aren't broad, they're just horizontally gifted. Jonathan: Hey bud, you are just salty because you are vertically challenged. Ethan: Hey, pal, you must have the height of a saltine cracker, and the intelligence of one too. Jonathan: Hey sport, you are shorter that a brick, wider than a brick, dumber than a brick, soft as a brick, red as a brick, hairless as a brick, weak as a brick, and slower than a brick. Ethan: Hey, tank, projecting much? (megamind with hair, bottom text says "no hair?") Jonathan: You are so unpopular, I bet you work at College Board. Ethan: Hey, broski, show me your friends. I've got plenty. (megamind with no hair, top text says "no friends?")