Quote #9139 



May 11, 2021, 11:22 a.m.

⚐ Report
//chaotic lodal anthology, may 11 "They told me in teacher school that I couldn't be sarcastic, and I was just like, 'I'm not physically capable of not being sarcastic'" "That's what i'm going to do with that information. Make your life better. Definitely not worse. Definitely." "I have been publicly shamed at Blair as a bad attendance taker. I was in the bottom 10% of attendance takers. My name was in a public email. But Ms Duval and Mr Schwartz were also on that list, so I felt less bad. It was like, the people who don't take attendance are the cool people." "I got made fun of already by the juniors for my among us sweatshirt." "My parents won't get me a VPN either." "This is important life information: the Guile theme goes with everything."