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Dec. 12, 2013, 10:14 a.m.

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Mr. Street: If you don't bundle up the cords correctly before putting the hot glue guns away, there are cords everywhere and it looks like a snake orgy. //Class laughs Sherry: Question: what's that? Mr Street: You'll have to look that up yourself.



Jan. 29, 2010, 4:56 p.m.

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[Previously people talking about SRP] Mikey: Wait, what about study hall? Student: Elephant. Mikey: What? Student: Elephant. ...[later] Other Student: What would elephants need study hall for anyways? Elephants never forget. [Pause] ...Probably huge orgies. Mikey: Yeah, we used to do that a lot too, until Mr. Schafer came and put a stop to it.