Quote #5290 



Dec. 3, 2014, 9:49 p.m.

⚐ Report
//Beginning of 9th period CAP Photo. The class is settling down. Bustillos is getting ready to start class. He holds a glass food container and chews as he speaks. Bustillos: There is absolutely no eating in this class. //Class snickers. Bustillos: See this? [Shows class the bowl.] This is my lunch. I didn't eat during 5th period so I'm eating it now. Girl Student: What is it? Bustillos: [Says name of the dish.] Girl Student: Ooh...can we see it? Bustillos: Sure! //He walks down the middle aisle showing off his food. Boy Student: That looks good. Bustillos: It used to be. Y'see, I've been eating this same thing for the last 20 years. Every single day for lunch. //Class doesn't believe him. Bustillos: No, I'm serious. Every Sunday for the last 20 years, I make myself a big tureen of this that lasts me through the week for lunch. [Looks in disgust at his bowl.] I'm just so sick of this. It doesn't even taste like anything anymore. Girl Student: Then why don't you cook something different? What about [name of some kind of chicken dish]? Bustillos: Y'know, that's a good idea, [name of chicken dish]! But the thing is, I barely know how to cook anything. So I'm stuck with this.