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⚐ ReportJosh: Maybe I should add a mechanic by which the player can consume enemies that are currently dead...
⚐ ReportJosh Piety: The most terrifying Halloween costume is to dress up as the CommonApp logo and hand out rejection letters to everyone.
⚐ ReportJosh Piety: Ms. Bosse, how much sleep do you get every night? Bosse: Oh, I get plenty of sleep. I always get at least 8 hours every night. Bosse: And I always wake up at 5 to go for a run. Andy: I wake up at 3:50 for swim practice.
⚐ ReportAndy: How old is Dessa? Schwartz: She's turning 14 this year. She's an old lady. Joshua Wang: So just like my sister!
⚐ ReportJosh H: You know, recently I've been trying to learn how to get better sleep. Josh H: I'm up at like 3 AM reading all these articles.
⚐ ReportJosh: Do the Eclipse devs have a grudge against someone named William? Josh: Am I high?
⚐ Report//Talking about extras for an act Josh: This is the Magnet, of course there are extras!