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⚐ Report//Carl is getting very flustered about something Lodal: Carl. I know you. I know what you do. Don't worry.
⚐ ReportLodal: OK We have some free time and I have something tangentially related to class to show you. Lodal: I mean, anything can kinda be related to Earth Science if you try hard enough. *Lodal plays CGP Grey video about plague in the New World* Lodal: They're on Earth, right?
⚐ Report//Katheryn and Kristi are entering Lodal's room Katheryn: I made a mistake! Kristi: Not as big a mistake as when your parents had you. Katheryn: That was uncalled for and it hurt my feelings. Kristi: You have feelings? Lodal: That's a good question. Do you have feelings Katheryn?
⚐ Report//Class before a lab in freshman magnet chemistry Lodal: Don't forget to do the prelab writeup. Sally: What if hypothetically someone lost their journal? Lodal: Then hypothetically they would have to buy a new one. Sally: What if hypothetically they couldn't get one by tomorrow? Lodal: Then steal one. Sally: What if hypothetically they have morals? Lodal: Then steal one from Katheryn.
⚐ Report//Advanced Topics in Earth Science, talking about criteria for determining El Niño-induced weather events Lodal: First, we see if Niño-3.4 SST is greater than 0.5 degrees above average. (goes to next slide) SST is Menter's Shear Stress Transport, which is a model of flow and turbulence. Alex: I think SST is "sea surface temperature." Lodal: ...That makes a lot more sense. Now I feel stupid.
⚐ Report// ESS Pd. 3, learning about mineral properties Lodal: Our next property is really two things: cleavage and fracture. // Class starts giggling Lodal (not amused): Thanks for that, guys.
⚐ Report//pd. 2 AP NSL; watching an ad from AARP Voice: How many kittens do you need? Girl: Two! Boy: Two billion plus one million. Noah: That's Lodal.