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⚐ ReportGabaree: I need more pens but I don't have any because of the supply chain issues! Gabaree: You can just blame everything on the supply chain. Gabaree: Why were you late to school? Supply chain. Gabaree: Why'd you fail your test? Oh, you know, supply chain.
⚐ Report// Gabaree talking about voting and politics Gabaree: So I got my absentee ballot. Gabaree: And like many of you guys, I waited until the last minute to fill it out.
⚐ Report// Talking about demographics in APNSL [Student]: I'm not racist! Whole class: *laughs* Gabaree: Nobody is racist! Gabaree: I can say I'm racist, but I'm not a white supremacist!
⚐ ReportCirincione: Good afternoon. Cirincione: I'm glad to see... one of you. Cirincione: And the rest of your smiling black boxes with white text.
⚐ ReportCirincione: "One of the more interesting Senate hearings..." Cirincione: A relatively low bar.
⚐ Report// student is looking forward to more "cool group discussions" Cirincione: Cool? ALL discussions in this class are cool. Cirincione: ...Right?
⚐ ReportCirincione: HTML is hard, man. I wish I was in a middle or high school program that taught this stuff... Cirincione: Oh wait, I was.
⚐ ReportCirincione: We have 34 students. Cirincione: I don't know *how* I'm going to fit all of you in this room.
⚐ Report// After no one answered his question Cirincione: Are you reading my body language right now? This is sadness.
⚐ Report//Period 7 Statistics, day before corona break //Class has just discussed how the disease can be modeled by a logistic function Stein: See! I told you on the first day! The most important classes are Health, NSL, and statistics. There's a disease, so that's health. The government can't do anything because it's dysfunctional, so that's NSL. And stat... Student: That logistic function is calculus!! //Stein peppers it with dots with a whiteboard marker Stein: Now it is