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⚐ ReportEric Shi: You weren't watching! Jason Yao: I was watching more than you! Did you see God? Eric: No shit I saw God! Jason: Did you see the cow? Eric: Of course I saw the cow! Did you see the guy? Jason: Eric: How could you? The guy is so important! Jason: They look the fucking same! I can't tell them apart! Eric: (gasps audibly) That's racist.
⚐ ReportLeo: Ooh, fingers! Jason Yao: Oh, fuck you! (proceeds to throw an orange wrapped in tin foil at Eric Shi)
⚐ ReportEric: What is 2 in french? Jason: Deux Eric: What is 3 in french? Jason: Trois Eric: What is 1 in french? Jason: Quatre. ??????
⚐ ReportEric Shi: do you like fascism or communism? Jason Yao: both Jason: Anyways what is sodomy, like actually?
⚐ ReportJason Yao: (sees water bottle) Fuck. *starts hyperventilating* Eric Shi: (slowly raises an L sign)
⚐ ReportLeo: Eric, are you sweating protobowl? Eric Shi: (shakes head vigorously). Leo: ...ok. //later Eric: (punches his chromebook screen) Leo: Are you sure you're not sweating protobowl? Eric: (shakes head vigorously)
⚐ Report//slowly splits apart a plum, a manic grin spreading across his face ZIyad (holding the two separate halves): It's the derivative... Eric Shi: What are you on??? Ziyad: No, no, it's related rates! If you take the fruit out and put juice in, the rate of the ball is changing and you can find the volume using... (gasps) dV/dt!!!!! :O
⚐ ReportEric Shi: Dear "The Skibidi Ohio Rizzler", I have been notified that you are in fact a scaley and have connections with velociraptors. THAT IS MY SCALESONA. GO AWAY.