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⚐ ReportAnderson: Let's say Mr. Anderson wants to buy Grandma a car, because of course I can do that with my overflowing teacher-salary. //later Anderson: What is the warrant? Why does it matter that the car is cheap? Nicole, quietly: She won't need it for long.
⚐ Report// bio with delaney, doing amylase lab delaney: are there different french words to mean mix for solids and liquids? student: idk, french people are weird delaney: hey my grandma was french! she was french-canadienne student: well ur grandma is cool if she’s french-canadienne delaney: my grandmas dead. student student: i’m sorry delaney: she died of alzheimer’s student: student: that runs in my family delaney: me too student: // delaney walks away
⚐ ReportStudent 1: My grandmother was born in Nebraska! Student 2: Well, I'm sorry for your loss.
⚐ ReportPrange: She has this memory as a little kid of grandma going apeshit over french fries.