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Dec. 5, 2010, 3:57 p.m.

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//Mr. Clay is sitting next to Tom Chih, grading papers. Tom: Hey, Mr. Clay, you need a babysitter? Clay: Tom, I love you, but I'm not entrusting my six-week old baby to you. Ori: It's been six weeks? Really?! Clay: They grow up so fast. Justine: Soon he'll be just like Tom. Clay: If my son walks around with a dirty pillow for four years...



Jan. 29, 2010, 5:07 p.m.

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Ms. Thomas: There's some random kid who just keeps jumping into my conversations with other teachers. Like this one time I was talking to someone about my 5th period and... Justine: Is he in your 5th period? Ms. Thomas: NO!!! I don't know who he is!