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⚐ Report//At Science Bowl, talking to another team Other Coach: So, what's his specialty? //Pointing to Saurav Pham: Him? Girls.
⚐ Report//At National Science Bowl Pham: Our goal is not to win, our goal is to piss the organizers off!
⚐ Report//At Science Bowl Saurav: I came, I saw, I conquered. Avikar: I cummed, I seed, I... oh wait. //mirth ensues
⚐ Report//At science bowl nats 2011: //Viju and Breezy are trying to figure out shirley's computer password... Viju: Well, we should try all the things he likes... Maureen... and caffeine... his two greatest loves. Then we have to try to combine them... morphine?
⚐ Report//At Science Bowl 2011 regional. RM kids sit down to watch Blair A vs. Blair C Pham: You got nothing better to do on holiday weekend? RM Girl: No, we got out. Pham: This the weekend! Why you have nothing better to do? Man, you guys are whole bunch of nerds.
⚐ ReportPham: From the sun...what the next planet? Students (laughing): Don't do Science Bowl, Mr. Pham! Pham: What is it, next planet after the sun? Students (still laughing): Mercury! Pham: What the next planet after that, Mars? I don't remember any of thing like that! (Students die of laugher)