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⚐ ReportJerry Jing: What am I watching? Duval: Exactly what you think you're watching: A bunch of dolphins getting high on pufferfish.
⚐ ReportAndy: It looks like rubber! Jerry Song: It is rubber. Jerry Song: I’m still eating it because it’s organic matter.
⚐ ReportJerry Song: Now I am slapping tape on and praying that it works. Jerry: This is true engineering.
⚐ ReportJerry Song: Wait there are shirts at Costco? Jerry: I’ve never seen shirts before.
⚐ ReportRao: Jerry are you done? Jerry Song: No…? Rao: Maybe this class is moving too slowly if you forgot to do this assignment.
⚐ Report// Weird half day/innovation schedule Sean: When does this period end? Jerry Song: Not fast enough.