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⚐ ReportSmolen: Bring a light backpack, not the 5 ton backpack magnet kids like to drag around.
⚐ ReportSmolen: The brass players get valve oil all over the cello chairs, and the stains smell. Kaden: One time I saw a white stain on the chairs.
⚐ ReportRicky: Where is I, I can't find I! Andy: Ricky, you have no eyes! Smolen(under her breath): And no ears...
⚐ ReportSmolen: You guys should sign up for orchestra next year. Smolen: Why? Because orchestra is fun. Smolen: I'm fun. Smolen: And we're going to Disneyworld next year!
⚐ Report// Unidentified person plays during rest at orchestra concert Johnny: did you guys happen to hear an anomaly?