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⚐ Report//sophomore comp sci class Gonzalez: They're doing magnet screening next class. You know, when they pick who can get into the magnet? Well, hopefully they do a better job than 2 years ago...
⚐ Report// During ADSA Gonzalez: So Lena how was your chick-fil-a? Lena: ????? Gonzalez: I saw your name on an order while waiting for mine I didn't see you though because you were late
⚐ Report//ADSA Pd. 6 //It's Cheikh's actual birthday Gonzalez: Because El Salvador has a messed up government, my dad has both an actual and a legal birthday. I look like a bad son whenever I fill out paperwork because I have to ask what his birthday is, so I have to know both birthdays. My dad's is January...I don't remember.
⚐ ReportGonzalez: What happened to the wig, Shruti? Shruti: My head is too big. Gonzalez: No Shruti, the wig is too small.
⚐ Report//Gonzalez pd. 1 Gonzalez: I had a weird realization. Usually when something weird happens to me, I don't share it with you...wait, that's not always true. Anyway, I realized that whenever I smile or laugh, my nose- Rajit: Protrudes? Gonzalez: *in disbelief* Protrudes!?!?!? I'm not Pinocchio!
⚐ Report//Going over an exercise in ADSA with Gonzalez Gonzalez: Okay so, who thinks the output will be changed? *one person half raises their hand* Gonzalez: who think it won't be changed? *three people half raise their hands* Gonzalez: *unimpressed* wowww, this sure is America, just look at that voter turnout
⚐ Report//misses main office call because he's dancing in the lab Gonzalez: I'm very good at this job.
⚐ Report//ADSA Gonzalez: We need a variable for our pizza maker method. Ethan: String cheese. Gonzalez: I don't think anything will top that.