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⚐ ReportSmolen: Shark bait hoo haa haa that's the energy [later] Smolen: Before we get to the key change and you all play the wrong notes- [Later again] Smolen: Tu-tu-tu is so much more harsh than doo doo doo Student: this has rocked my whole world
⚐ Report// Among us drawn on board Michael Wang: Among us! Smolen: He’s the impostor! Kick him out!
⚐ Report// half day all period day Smolen: Teachers are quitting left and right. Why not bring down the whole school system?
⚐ ReportSmolen: What is a tradition I can do for seniors every year? Kaden: Boxing match!
⚐ ReportSmolen: College is hard to get into. Smolen: Silly bastards stealing our money!