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⚐ ReportNathan: I'm Nathan Yap Nathan: Not to be confused with the Yes Associated Protein
⚐ ReportRose: i'm gonna get lunch, take a nap, and watch people make fun of me Rose: It's getting more... mean spirited Rose: Kirk is getting older.. and he is getting... Sai: Meaner? Rose: i wouldn't call it meaner, he's less nice...
⚐ ReportAndy: If freshmen are maggots, what are seniors? Street: Maggots grow up to become houseflies. Street: So this means you spend the rest of your life looking for poop. Does that sound good?
⚐ Report//talking about 11889 Senior TA: did he say that seniors are predators!? Senior TA: well i mean... some seniors are certainly predators.
⚐ ReportJeremy: Ohhhhh all the seniors are gone! Jeremy: Wanna know why? I killed them. O'Donovan: We live in America. We can't joke about this. People take everything seriously.
⚐ ReportSmolen: What is a tradition I can do for seniors every year? Kaden: Boxing match!