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⚐ Report// Orchestra class Roberts: MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW... meow MEOWWWW
⚐ ReportRoberts: I really like ping-pong. I challenge you all to a game of ping-pong. There's a ping-pong table somewhere in the school.
⚐ ReportRoberts: You just got to the top of Blue Ridge Mountain! You need to be like, //Pretends to step to the summit of a mountain Roberts: DUHHH, DUH DUH DUH! DUH, DUH, DOHHH!
⚐ ReportRoberts: Grazioso. To be played gracefully. How can you have grace? Ryan: Be Steven Qu.
⚐ Report//Ms. Roberts imitating how we play our instruments Roberts: EERUUOOOOOUUUAAURREHGH...UOOEERRGGGHHHHORUEGH... (puts hand to throat) Excuse me.
⚐ Report\\Roberts complaining about our singing abilities Roberts: I'm sure none of you were born knowing how to play a stringed instrument. Ryan Tse: No, Ryan Cho was born holding a violin.
⚐ ReportRoberts: So take out your pencils and mark up your music! That's why pencils were invented, to mark up music! Billy: THAT'S why pencils were invented?!
⚐ Report//Listening to results from jazz band festival Roberts: So, this adjudicator is our favorite... Mr. Butts. //Class laughs Travis: What'd he give us? Roberts: A one. Berlin: Was Mr. Butts on crack?
⚐ Report// Emma is sitting in Ms. Roberts's chair Ms. Roberts: Hey, Ms. Roberts. How's it going? Emma: Nerdy. Roberts: Oh, I see how it is.