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⚐ ReportDr. Delaney: There is emotional damage associated with this story. Just letting you know.
⚐ Report//start of Bio Sean: Are we just doing board games again today? Delaney: It's not "just board games". It's community-building!
⚐ Report//setting up gel electrophoresis Delaney: You're gonna take some tape, and make a little wall. Delaney, quieter: And someone else is gonna pay for it.
⚐ ReportDelaney: It's kinda like you're making a slab of jello. Unflavoured, cancerous jello.
⚐ ReportDelaney: I've heard this Bio class is too easy. Katz: For some people. Delaney: For some people. Exactly. Delaney: There are some people -- I won't name any names, or point any fingers ... Delaney: *cough* Sean!
⚐ Report//Delaney in apparent pain whilst sitting at his teacher's-table Katz: Are you okay? Delaney: No, I'm Dr. Delaney!
⚐ Report//lesson on biotechnology Delaney: I have a joke. Does anyone want to hear a joke? //several students raise hand Delaney: So a guy's driving on the road, and then he sees a chicken going past him on the road -- the chicken runs past his car. Delaney: The chicken outruns his car and goes to a farm with a bunch of chickens. Delaney: When he gets to the farm, he sees all these chickens zipping around really fast, like the chicken he saw earlier. Delaney: He asks the farmer "why are these chickens so fast", and the farmer says, "well, we like drumsticks." Delaney: "I like drumsticks, my wife likes drumsticks, and my son likes drumsticks." Delaney: "So I bred a chicken with three legs, so we don't have to fight over who gets drumsticks." Delaney: The guy says, "cool! But what do they taste like?" Delaney: The farmer says, "I don't know. I've never caught one." //Some of the class erupts in moderate applause Delaney: Thank you; thank you. I got more farm jokes. Some of them are even appropriate.