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⚐ ReportDuval: A lot of things happened since we last met. Michael Wang: Didn't some guy get slapped at the Oscars?
⚐ Report//Setting off fireworks, 4th of July Anonymous: This one rolls around on the floor and makes noises, just like Oscar
⚐ Report//Period 5 lunch, playing Avalon //Oscar throws the Lady of the Lake at Carlos Oscar: Here, have the hot lady. Nicole: Who said you could give me to Carlos? Oscar: No comment
⚐ Report//During 1st period earthquake drill //Sub telling us to be quiet Oscar: Guys be quiet, or else the earthquake will hear us!
⚐ ReportOscar: Is that mouse thing in the middle really called a nipple mouse? Where'd that come from? Max: Well, it's fun to play with