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⚐ Report//Silver Chips. Late Friday. Paul B. Ellis is copy, editing, and reading from a story. Paul B. Ellis: There is something wrong here. "Students for Global Responsibility is planning an AIDS promotion day." Can you really promote AIDS?
⚐ Report//a journalism student shows up during lunch Neel: Why do you guys like always come to our table man? Danderson: Since we always get them to go away, maybe they want to know how we do it? Neel: Or maybe they think we're like the magnet table or something. Danderson: *points at table with >12 magnets*
⚐ ReportSC photographer: We're doing an article on couples, can we get your guys' picture? //Shelley flicks him off, he leaves for a bit SC photographer (back, now with camera raised): Are you sure? It would be quick! Shelley & Danderson: NO! //Danderson gets umbrella out of backpack and tries to smack him