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⚐ Report//Pham talking about how most of the freshmen hot air balloons usually don't work well, and trying to make a joke. Pham: So, in this class we have problem, because you guys good with paperwork! Class: ...? *nervous laughter* Student: OH! It's because the balloons are made of PAPER! Class: *some laughter* -Pause- Class: Oooh, we get it. *laughter*
⚐ Report//freshmen chem r&e presentations are going on, one group finishes the powerpoint Student: *click* Promethean board: THANK YOU MR. PHAM AND MR. TEMPLIN FOR EVERYTHING, WE COULDN'T HAVE DONE THIS WITHOUT YOU Class: o_o ...
⚐ Report//Mr. Rose made a Geometer's Sketchpad program where people, or rather points A-L, in a race start at one foci of an ellipse. They must touch a point on the ellipse and then the other foci. The first one to touch the other foci wins. Mr. Rose: Oh look A's so gonna win--oh no, maybe D-, no wait, B is DEFINITELY gonna, wait, where did J come from, or even C, oh D's making a comeback and it's gonna wi--oh wait, no, they all tied. Mr. Rose: Let's try this again.
⚐ ReportMr. Rose: Well basically, I got my job because of this program. Mr. Walstein loves talking about the importance of directrices in conics. So when I showed him the several Geometer's Sketchpad program of directrices and conics that I had conveniently made before, he didn't yell at me.
⚐ ReportMr. Pham: When you send letter, what is the first part you do? Student 1: Write the "dear" to the recipient? Mr. Pham: No! Student 2: Write the date? Mr. Pham: No! Student 3: Write the address on the envelope? Mr. Pham: No! Student 4: Attach the stamp? Mr. Pham: No! Student 5: Write the return address? Mr. Pham: No! You write the country so they when the letter is sent from space, they know where it go. When you go from space, what is the first part you see? It's the country, not the address!
⚐ ReportMr. Pham: Any more homework question on chapter 7 before you take the test on it? Student: Mr. Pham, could you explain question #39 in the chapter 7 homework? Mr. Pham: THAT QUESTION? That topic on the test! How you know that much detail?! You must be cheating! I give other blocks same test, but I give this block different, harder test then. Your test on Wednesday.
⚐ ReportMr. Pham: Homework should only be taking 20 minutes! *4 months later* Mr. Pham: Homework should only be taking 3 hours!
⚐ Report//Pham lectures the freshmen on the importance of primary sources Pham: You need to be having more primary sources! You know every time someone get some information from somewhere and publish it, there always error! ...It like if somebody have duck, and when you tell bunch of people eventually story changes, and you not have duck anymore! You have monster! Monster with one eye! Student 1: Or you have a chicken! Pham: You lucky if you have chicken! Chicken and duck look alike. Student 2: What? No they don't! Pham: They both birds! Student 2: A dock isn't a bird! Pham: I not say dock I say duck!
⚐ Report(Pham talking about effusion and Graham's law) Pham: For effusion, you use the cracker law! know, the crackers, the Graham crackers? So, whenever you make s'mores with Graham crackers, you remember effusion!
⚐ ReportPham: What, you not know what diffusion is? You all obviously never have boyfriend or girlfriend! Class:??? Pham: You know, when a boy/girl enters party, you think they smell nice because of perfume or cologne! Class:???