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⚐ Reportsrihari: I didn’t even know that it was bleeding. I just looked down and was like “oh my leg is really bloody” and then I had to go down and get 12 stitches. srihari: it was really interesting vijay: “really interesting??”
⚐ Report//part of a convo about full year health requirement for underclassmen o’donovan: I don’t think sex is as big of an issue now as it was before. srihari: Yeah cuz of COVID. No ones doing anything.
⚐ Report//p1 Physical Chem Caleb: Союз нерушимый республик . . . (singing soviet anthem) O'Donovan: Do you have any idea how many bad memories you just stirred up?
⚐ Reportcable: daniel, you don’t need calculus for this. Boyles law applies. Constant external pressure of 2 atm. dyuan: ok I’ll just take an integral of 2
⚐ Reporto’donovan: Usually people are more awake after break, how did everyone become more tired? vijay: well, imagine that you went to prison, and then you escaped. If you got caught and went back into prison, would you be more enthusiastic than when you first got into prison? o’donovan:…. o’donovan: well then.. my prisoners!
⚐ ReportPham: You can either play with electron or nucleus. Which one is easier? Class: electron Debkanya: but playing with the nucleus is more fun
⚐ Report//Pchem, see #7139. PHam discusses how the upperclassmen must be chaperones because there aren't enough teachers. Wensen: Mr. Pham, if I become a chaperone for 10 students, and I bring back 9, do I still get an A?
⚐ Report//pd 4 pchem Pham: You all go chaperone my field trip to science conference in April. This because last time I lost the students, so you watch over them. Maggie: YOU LOST THE STUDENTS?? Pham: I only lose 12! Maggie: You actually lost twelve students?! Pham: They don’t know how to use metro, they get lost and their parents pick them up!
⚐ ReportPham: Tyler, you look ugly! //Students look confused Pham: Don't put your face in her cell phone!
⚐ Report//Pchem Pham: Last year the freshmen not scared of me. I don't know where I went wrong!