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Jan. 18, 2017, 8:21 p.m.

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//Pchem prepping for a lab Pham: Always do not assume lab material is clean. For example, we use Vaseline for the lid, but you do not use Vaseline on your body. //Half the class starts snickering Pham: What? What so funny? //Wait for it... //... //Epiphany moment. //Misha facepalms Misha: Oh my God, guys...



Oct. 5, 2016, 9:32 p.m.

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//Pham gets up and announces that he's going to get a cap for a copper solution Misha: Is it a glass cap? Pham: No it glass.



Dec. 8, 2015, 2:50 p.m.

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// discussing molarity and molality Pham: They are different and they are not the same.



Oct. 27, 2015, 6:43 p.m.

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//Talking about a question on a multiple choice test where more than one answer was valid Pham: So, I accept either. Lawrence: You didn't accept it on my paper. Pham: That because I don't like you.



Oct. 20, 2015, 6:53 p.m.

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Pham: This the part you not doing so well. I need to fix it. I mean, I need to fix you.



Dec. 3, 2014, 11:30 a.m.

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Mr. Pham: "You know green banana? It unripe! You break it apart, you eat it, it crunchy!"

Talking about common acids and bases; bananas are acidic

pchem, pham, banana



Sept. 16, 2014, 8:44 p.m.

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//Angel gives Alex some money for debate fees Pham (to Alex): You pimp or something?



Sept. 21, 2013, 2:05 p.m.

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//During 6th lunch in the Chem Help side room, while groups are frantically trying to finish their P-Chem lab //Cathy is dumping excess chemicals into a beaker Shubham: Hey, isn't that my group's beaker? It says Mukund on it. Cathy: Oh, this is the waste disposal beaker. Shubham: So Mukund is a chemical disposal beaker now? Cathy: Yep.



Dec. 18, 2012, 10:58 p.m.

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//Talking about the resonance structures of benzene molecules Eva: But benzene is a commie molecule - the electrons are shared equally between all the carbons.



Nov. 27, 2012, 7:24 p.m.

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Pham: Do you know what the objective of life is? Student: To die? Pham: Exactly.