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⚐ ReportStein: Who knows how to play quarter basketball? //nobody raises their hand Stein: You all are the most ignorant group of people I have ever met! Hammond: This is what we did when it rained in elementary school!
⚐ Report//on the first day of sports stat Stein: Here's the dirty little secret: This class is about sports. [...] But the fact that it's about sports is almost irrelevant. We could teach the same class about agricultural statistics. [...] The fact that it's about sports is kinda incidental.
⚐ ReportRose: and what is an example of a ternary predicate? How about gifts: the giver, the person who gets, and the object given? Stein [just walking into room]: you know what i hate? those email cards. I mean if you want to give a card, go and buy one. Emailing is just too easy. Rose: yeah, so thats ternary predicates.
⚐ Report//Stein is trying to explain the discovery of 1 and 0 using cavemen Stein: Ugh, me want rock. I have rock. Now there more rock. rock, one rock, one need more numbers...hey! Dave take rock. Now me have no rock. No rock!
⚐ Report//Mr. Stein is teaching Precalc and there is a sinusoidal on the board and the class is writing equations for it Stein: The easiest way to write it is with -cos x. Student: I used sin x. Stein: Why? That's just way more work. I mean, imagine how much of your brain you're using to do it that way. You could be thinking about other things with all that you could be thinking about...boys. Or pickles. [...] Y'know, I really like pickles. There's this deli that I go to, they just have so many pickles. Everytime I go there I just get lots of 'em...
⚐ Report//Stein is handing back a test on Infinite Series. Neel gets 100 (Meow!). Student: I didn't get the telescoping one... Neel: There was a telescoping series? I didn't notice. [Stein snatches Neel's test out of his hand.] I probably shouldn't have said that out loud... [Neel gets his test back with a score of 95.] Neel: -headdesk- //Later that class, Neel is tearing up his test. Stein (to Neel): What are you tearing up? ... Was that your test? [Neel nods] You have a final exam coming up in this class. You're going to need that to study. Why would you do that? Neel: To destroy evidence of my failings... Stein: What, did you get other stuff wrong? Neel: I dunno, I didn't look at it.