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⚐ ReportSchafer: It's super easy and super fun. Schafer: If your idea of fun is doing nerd stuff.
⚐ ReportSchafer: Have you ever seen a whale? Jeremy: No. Schafer: Okay. I can show you some pictures later.
⚐ ReportSchafer: So there's this guy Archimedes, who's sitting in a bathtub and he's about to be in big trouble with the king. Schafer: He sees the water level rising and he says "eureka" and then runs through the streets naked. Schafer: Good times.
⚐ ReportSchafer: Weird, yes, but probably not as weird as playing tetris on an emulator. *All eyes turn on Kelin*
⚐ Report// Penny lab in quantum Schafer: We will be doing statistical analysis. Schafer: However, this is not Mr. Stein's class. Schafer: We will not be setting a p-value and determining whether we should reject the null hypothesis. Schafer: Nor will we be using Cha-A-a-A-arts.
⚐ Report// Andy walks into quantum Sean: I lost the game! Schafer: I also lost the game!
⚐ Report//PD2 Quantum mystery box activity Raun (shaking the box): So it sounds like there's other objects among them Schafer: Among us??
⚐ ReportAnonymous Teacher: You know.. sometimes I think Mr. Scafer doesn't know how to have fun. What's wrong with a little dance. We gotta dance.