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⚐ Report// Stelzner is talking about how people say they're racist to get out of jury duty Yongle: Wait... I should be racist!
⚐ ReportMrs. Stelzner: Innovation is great and helpful! Stelzner: Today we are talking about trusted adults //Stelzner holds up fingers as if it were a camera frame Stelzner: I'm a trusted adult!
⚐ ReportMrs. Stelzner: Senate advise and? Oliver: DESTROY? Stelzner: CONSENT! Senate advise and destroy? What?
⚐ Report//Eric pulling out his hair Mr. Stelzner: Here's some advice, sometimes it doesn't come back.
⚐ ReportStelzner: when the police came, he said "you can't do anything to me" Stelzner: that takes some cojones
⚐ ReportStelzner: well I mean, if you find a body on the side on the road and decide to eat it I don't think you're committing a crime.
⚐ ReportStelzner: You've probably wondered why we haven't gone over much poetry at all for all of English class so far. Jerry Song: Said nobody ever.