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⚐ ReportCirincione: They became leaders because of their charisma, or "rizz", as the kids say Cirincione: The more I say it, the less you guys say it in my class
⚐ ReportRose: one student told me he was "tweaking out" Rose: and that could mean like anything
⚐ ReportGazfang: An apple a day keeps the doctor... Gazfang: Wait apple and doctor don't rhyme
⚐ Report// ASL is playing "Move if _____" game Student: Move if you don't like gay // Silence, staring Student: GREEN!!! GREEN!!! I MEANT GREEN!!!
⚐ Report//Horne rants Horne: and you put all those stupid things your friends say on BLAIRBASH Horne: Stop it! Horne: Live in the present
⚐ ReportPd 8 ADSB Sahu: As you're shooting out of the birth canal Sahu: You ask: "What's your name?" Sahu: It's in the process of being made
⚐ Report// Arnav is wearing a Yellowstone t-shirt Ostrander: Arnav, did you go to Yellowstone this summer? Arnav: No I got this from Old Navy Ostrander: Oh, that's so much better than Yellowstone
⚐ Report// On the application of reason to geometry, talking about the Pythagoreans. Rose: "Let's say I found 20 people, and put them in a room with food and water for a month, and asked them to prove geometry." Rose: "I'm a cult leader, and they're all committed to me." Rose: "They may define something, they might rebel, I don't know." // Later... Rose: "What might be something that might be, like, hard to figure out?" // Mutters from the class. Rose: "True. Hard stuff is hard to figure out." // Later, proving that sqrt(2) is irrational by contradiction, reaching the crux of the proof. Rose: "Now, a strange sense of weirdness -- cue the "Woo-o woo-o" music -- descends upon you."