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⚐ ReportStudent: Mr. Schafer, can you help me on this problem? Schafer: Nah, wait until I eat a dumpling first. Student: But -- Schafer: My snacks come before you!
⚐ ReportSchafer: My kids are very, very good at bringing germs home from daycare. And they're even better at sharing them.
⚐ Report//talking about how energy = pain Schafer: Do you play a musical instrument? Student: Yeah. Schafer: With your right hand or left hand? Student: Uh, right hand. Schafer (smiles): Great! Put your right hand there. Next to the bowling ball. //student complies very very nervously
⚐ ReportSchafer: So there is a bad word very similar to "centripetal" that we will never use in this class. Chad: Centrifugal! Schafer: And now we know that Chad will fall into every trap I lay for him.
⚐ ReportMichio: I am infinitely attractive Schafer: ...Uh...I don't even know where to start saying no //proceeds to explain, using physics, that Michio has next to 0 attractiveness
⚐ Report//Schafer's holding Block C a few minutes after the bell Student: We're going to be late! Schafer: It's going to take you 10 seconds to walk down the hall, and Street doesn't want to see you anyway.
⚐ ReportSchafer: Air resistance and gravity. That's all we care about today. //Hammond walks in Hammond: That's IT? That's all you care about?! (waits for compliment) Schafer: Yeah, well we certainly don't care about you!
⚐ Report//Talking about gravitational pull Schafer: So if Alan and Shariar are one meter apart, the gravitational pull would be- //Alan scoots closer to Shariar //Shariar sits awkwardly Schafer: Or... half a meter. That works too. And since we're already awkward, lets get more awkward. Let's say each of you are 100 kg. Which I know is not true, because you'd be over 200 lbs. Are you accelerating towards each other? Class: Uh... Schafer: Yes! But the gravitational pull is so little you cannot see it. Student: Could Shariar be accelerating away? Scafer: Well, there are both attractive and repulsive forces... Class: Ooh...
⚐ ReportSchafer: When you get a vicious cycle in life, what do you do? Students: ...? Schafer: Calculus!
⚐ Report/Demonstrating forces using a student in a scale Schafer: Now, as I pull up on him, [grabs Aaron by the arms and pulls up] you will notice that the weight on the scale decreases. Aaron: Lose twenty pounds with this quick, easy trick.