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⚐ Report//Mario is trying to ask a question, but Michael and others are talking Schafer: I'm sorry. I can't hear you because some people think they're more important than you. Mario: They're probably right.
⚐ ReportMikey: I think a capacitor is like a spring. Schafer: A capacitor is like a toilet. Mario: What? Schafer: What? Mario: I didn't hear the whole conversation. Schafer: The whole conversation was, "A capacitor is like a toilet." It's pretty much my best analogy ever. Vikas, please explain. //Vikas defers to Ben, but Ben's explanation isn't funny Schafer: You're not a good storyteller. You haven't reached my level of maturity. You see, sometimes a small trickle is enough, but when you have a lot of business... //later, still talking about the analogy Schafer: I cannot use the four-letter word I want to use to describe this analogy. Poop.
⚐ ReportSchafer: We're going to do something that bothers me a little. Shirley: Integrals? Schafer: No, those bother me a lot.
⚐ ReportSchafer: My house was too cold last night because I didn't turn on the heat. Jacob: Your personal philosophy is to put on a sweater. That's what you tell your roommate. Schafer: Damn skippy! Until the first frost, I don't need heat. Shirley: My philosophy is to take off clothes if you're hot. Mikey: But there are only so many clothes you can take off. Schafer: Michael, while you are correct in your assessment, you have left an image in my mind that I don't want to see. I may not sleep for days.
⚐ Report//Schafer is using Kaluta's megaphone in 211 during 6th period, while the juniors share the room with freshmen Schafer: *sounds siren* HeY! GuYS! WaiT, how DO you make it loud? Templin: That light needs to be on. Just hit that button. Schafer: LIke this? No wait, that only did it for a second... GUYS! Wait, what block is this? Templin: Six. Schafer: *seeing juniors* You aren't in Block C! Get out! Wait, I forgot the papers...
⚐ Report//to Jacob on Neckwear Friday Schafer: And what did your mother say when you left your house this morning?