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⚐ Report//At the band picnic, the band kids are goofing around and throwing water bottles //Ben misses a catch and the water bottle hits the ground, splashing an unsuspecting Joseph Zenick with water Colin (whispering): It's funnier 'cause it's Joseph.
⚐ Report//9th period diff eq, talking about dirac delta Mr. Wilson: So you hit the golf ball with a...bat? //class tells him it's called a club Ben: Which side of the club do you hit the ball with? The Heaviside!
⚐ Report//Multivar, doing problems Rohit: A wise man once said, if the bounds are expressions which are equal to a constant, then let u equal that expression. Ben: In The Art of War, Sun Tzu recommends an appropriate change of variables. //Schwartz walks over Schwartz: People think that The Art of War is about conflict. But actually, The Art of War is about a change of variables with a w sub as the radius.
⚐ Report//Period 2 Precal Giles: We can either have a relaxed class where we get tests back and work on our homework, or a class where we learn an annoying new topic. I vote for the first. Giles: It's highly likely that Ben doesn't even realize that there is a final exam, and also highly likely that Patrick and Kennedy have already finished the packet.
⚐ Report//Ben is trying to repair his broken umbrella. Ben: Courtney keeps on stealing this. She probably broke it Carl: Just like she breaks your heart whenever she leaves. Ben: If she broke my heart, it would be because she took my umbrella again. Carl: Just like she took your virgini- //Ben throws half of his umbrella at Carl.
⚐ Report//Walking to class at Wallops, Shyaer points out that the drawstring of his sweatpants is really long. Ben: Shyaer, not only does your outfit repel ticks, but it repels women.
⚐ Report//Calling roll for Chemistry at the beginning of the semester. Pham: Benjamin? Ben N.: I prefer to be called Ben. //Later Pham: Benjamin? Ben M: I also prefer to be called Ben. Pham: No! You Benjamin, he Ben.
⚐ ReportBen: Sam stole all my art supplies M-E: that's mean. You should report to the police