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⚐ ReportStudent: Mr. Pham, how do you spell principle again? Pham: How you don't know how to spell that? Is very easy word! Which one you mean, like the black guy downstairs or your principles?
⚐ Report//Freshman are collecting and testing water samples at Lake Needwood Student 1: You fill it up. Student 2: Eww, no. You. Student 1: I'll get gloves. Student 2: Okay. Pham: Is that my student using glove? Why my student use glove? Student 2: The water's so dirty... Pham: When in my class do you use glove?! You guy all wimps. //later... Student 1: (gets gloves) Pham: What I tell you?! You not need glove! You ever get hurt in class not using glove? Student 1: Yeah, when we were using acetic acid I had a papercut and it hurt. Pham: ...WIMPS! *walks away*
⚐ ReportMr. Pham: When you send letter, what is the first part you do? Student 1: Write the "dear" to the recipient? Mr. Pham: No! Student 2: Write the date? Mr. Pham: No! Student 3: Write the address on the envelope? Mr. Pham: No! Student 4: Attach the stamp? Mr. Pham: No! Student 5: Write the return address? Mr. Pham: No! You write the country so they when the letter is sent from space, they know where it go. When you go from space, what is the first part you see? It's the country, not the address!
⚐ ReportMr. Pham: Any more homework question on chapter 7 before you take the test on it? Student: Mr. Pham, could you explain question #39 in the chapter 7 homework? Mr. Pham: THAT QUESTION? That topic on the test! How you know that much detail?! You must be cheating! I give other blocks same test, but I give this block different, harder test then. Your test on Wednesday.
⚐ ReportMr. Pham: Homework should only be taking 20 minutes! *4 months later* Mr. Pham: Homework should only be taking 3 hours!
⚐ Report//shortly after the National Science Bowl Stein: I heard you met the First Lady. Jacob: Yup. Stein: Mr. Pham said she was impressed by him. Jacob: What? No, what happened is that, after the game, Michelle Obama and Steven Chu were walking down the first row shaking everyone's hands. We were in the fifth row, so we pushed our way up. When they came to us, Mr. Pham said, "I doing this 13 year, never has President or First Lady come." And she smiled and said, "It won't be my last year." Stein: That's not how Mr. Pham told it. He said *he* convinced her to come back next year!
⚐ Report//Pham lectures the freshmen on the importance of primary sources Pham: You need to be having more primary sources! You know every time someone get some information from somewhere and publish it, there always error! ...It like if somebody have duck, and when you tell bunch of people eventually story changes, and you not have duck anymore! You have monster! Monster with one eye! Student 1: Or you have a chicken! Pham: You lucky if you have chicken! Chicken and duck look alike. Student 2: What? No they don't! Pham: They both birds! Student 2: A dock isn't a bird! Pham: I not say dock I say duck!
⚐ Report//Pham talking about how people were wimps for not sticking a rod of silver into a flame Pham: Yeah, but if I say go stick piece of silver into outlet, you better be smart enough say "No thank you, Mr. Pham!" or we have one less student grade test paper for.