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⚐ ReportJerry Song: Liquid helium takes very high pressure in order to make it solid. Jerry: That's why when scientists first made it, they had to put your mom on top of it.
⚐ ReportQuantum video: Across the ocean, a particularly savvy Yankee had other ideas. Jerry Song: Andrew Tate.
⚐ Report// Signing up for Macbeth roles Sean: *Signs up for doctor* Sean: Just as my dad intended! // Later Jerry Song: I love doing the cry of women! Jerry: *Makes high pitched cryptic noise* Jerry: Bro I'm a natural.
⚐ Report// Jerry ends up printing the wrong permission sheet Jerry Song: I lost the 50/50.
⚐ Report//showing the derivation of a formula in quantum Schafer: what do we do now? someone: e it up Schafer: YES! I’m glad you called it by the correct name. Andy and Jerry: *confused looks * Schafer: We don’t exponentiate both sides, we e it up! Andy: Must be a Kirk thing. Schafer: No, it’s a me thing! From back when I got to teach math here.
⚐ ReportStelzner: You've probably wondered why we haven't gone over much poetry at all for all of English class so far. Jerry Song: Said nobody ever.
⚐ ReportJerry Song: Uh, where is puzzlepalooza? Schafer: Seriously? Your first puzzle is to show up!
⚐ ReportAndy: Repeat after me - I will spend all of my time doing the puzzles. Jerry Song: I will spend half of my time sleeping and the other half of my time wanting to go home.
⚐ Report// After a quantum presentation Jerry Song: Hi, I'm Saul Goodman. Jerry: Did you know you have rights?