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⚐ ReportSchafer: So, if Mr. Clay's kids throw Play-Doh at each other, it would be Clay's Clays throwing clay at Clays.
⚐ Report// Delaney just finished talking about how he set his crush on fire during his 18th birthday, Schafer walks in Schafer: The lesson learned is that fine particles are easily flammable.
⚐ Report// Pd. 6 Freshman Physics. Schafer is explaining an energy problem, and just drew a simplified dog. Michael (sarcastically): That is a GREAT dog! Schafer: Well, thank you, can you do any better? Michael: Just saying. That dog looks like one of Picasso's cats. Michael: ...That's not a compliment, by the way. Schafer: I know. If you were my ear, I would make like Van Gogh. Schafer: ...That's not a compliment, by the way.
⚐ Report// Pd. 6 Freshman Physics. Schafer is talking about scientific misconceptions, and just asked, "How high up is the Space Station?" Schafer: My guess is that, the less scientifically inclined the person is, the longer the distance they are going to guess. Tiancheng: I'm guessing 1 meter.
⚐ Report// Pd. 6 Freshman Physics. Schafer is introducing energy. Schafer: Now, I know that this might be a strange analogy, but we can think of the amount of energy in a system as the amount of pain it can cause. *Takes out bowling ball and approaches Michael*
⚐ ReportSchafer: Who's silly... Shriyan. Shriyan's pushing down on the ball. But there's no friction, so it's not going anywhere. He's actually just sitting on it. Saying silly things like owo uwu. Sus. Highly sus. Clicking...drag clicking. Nacho potato Sir Swagger 21.
⚐ Report// Schafer is talking about consequences of fictional planets having too much or too little mass. Schafer: Escape velocity. *Pauses, looks at Shron* Schafer: Owo uwu. Sus. Highly sus.
⚐ Report// Pd. 6 Freshman Physics Schafer: Oh, Misha, I meant to ask you. What's 3 times 5? Misha: 3 times 5? Uh... 15. Schafer: 15? Okay, what's the number after 14? Misha: 15. Schafer: And the number before 16? Misha: ...15. Schafer: Oh good, because I was told you couldn't count to 15.