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⚐ Report//cybersec william *talking about GirlsGoCyberStart*: I see there are quite a few girls in this club! everyone *looks around* //there are three girls in cybersec
⚐ Report//At Wallops, talking about go-carting later that day Amy: Raymond, we need to race so I can beat you, and prove that [Asian girls] can drive! Raymond: I mean, I guess, but... Jacob: See, the problem is -- Well, just watch, every stereotype's gonna happen: Amy's gonna lose control and crash, and then, Raymond's gonna be just chillin' and get pulled over by the cops.
⚐ Report//Amy is looking at google maps for Wallops background info. Amy: Which direction is Wallops? Jack: It doesn't matter, because there is only One Direction.
⚐ Report//Hannah He and Amy Yan are leaving an exam talking about a guy Amy: God made him perfect! It's just not fair! Hannah: Wait...who's God?
⚐ ReportPatrick Shan: I think physics just doesn't like me...just like a pretty girl! Schafer: I would say something that encourages you and helps you with your self esteem, but I'm just going to agree with you. Amy Yan: That's so least he understands the truth.
⚐ ReportGoldburg: Amy Yan, you can be Creon Amy Yan: Yes. Goldburg: You know what, Charles Yin should be Antigone, you could imprison him. Amy Yan: YES!!!