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⚐ ReportStudent: "Climate change is bad." Student: "That's my entire project, we can all go home now." // Student continues speaking.
⚐ Report//showing graph of the huge increases of life expectancy, GDP, population, and CO2 emissions after the Industrial Revolution Jacobs: Three of these lines are good. One of them is bad, but tends to increase with the others. Michael: Life expectancy!
⚐ ReportSchwartz: A week ago, it was eight degrees outside, and now it's too warm. Schwartz: You guys have to survive on this planet 20 years longer than me, and I'm already in trouble. Schwartz: Good luck!
⚐ Reportin adsa, talking about how warm it was last night kyei: "look. i aint never say that global warming was tuff... 😏 but."