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⚐ Report// In the middle of the Anal 1 quiz on integration Schwartz: I'm going to say this once, and only once. Schwartz: *cough* /Houseboat/.
⚐ ReportStudent: I hate integration by parts. Schwartz: That just means I need to force you to do it more. You will learn to love it! It will happen!
⚐ ReportSchwartz: You might be a heathen. Schwartz: You might be an ACADEMIC FREAK. Schwartz: You might have encountered something in the past about how this is somehow related to an indefinite integral, but don't be DEGENERATE! Schwartz: An indefinite and definite integral have NOTHINGGGGG to do with each other, just like how inflammable and flammable do NOT mean the same thing! *Entire class breaks down, Stephen Chen very audibly in hysterics*
⚐ Report// Anal 1 exam last minute cram session, student decides to ask about integrals and curves despite not being on the exam Student: Mr. Schwartz, how would you find the area... Schwartz: NOPE. I have NO CLUE what you're talking about. Student: -under the curve... Schwartz: That's silly! Student: What about the asymptotes... Schwartz: *We're not there yet.* Shhhhhhhh!
⚐ Report//Period 4 Anal B //working on integration problems Noah: The thing I like about negative sign errors is that if I make two then they cancel out