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⚐ Report//while talking about thesis statements or something Ms. Manuel: of course child abuse is a problem Ms. Manuel: You can't just go around saying "Child abuse isn't a problem, child abuse is great! I like child abuse!"
⚐ Report// Watching Voces Inocentes in Manuel's class. Uncle Beto: (English translation) How many girlfriends do you have? Chava: Just one. (Outside of movie) Wensen:Who are you, Soumith?
⚐ Report//Discussing presidential power in the late 20th century in US history Manuel: I actually met Bill Clinton once. Student: Did you shake his hand? Manuel: Yeah, I actually did. You know, even after I had introduced him to my husband, he didn't want to let go.
⚐ Report//Playing Jeopardy about Vietnam war Manuel: What government tried to establish Communist control in South Vietnam? Group: Um... Manuel: Time's up. Viju's group, do you have an answer? Viju: THE WAR FOR 800!
⚐ Report//Ms. Manuel is talking about her friend getting attacked by a homeless person for offering her help Student: So she was punching your friend? Ms. Manuel: Yeah. Student: And you didn't do anything? Ms. Manuel: I wasn't there. I mean, otherwise, yeah, I would have decked that homeless person!
⚐ Report//Jordan mumbles something while flossing during Human Rights class Student: Are you flossing?! Ms. Manuel: That's a little eccentric, Jordan.
⚐ ReportManuel: So if Berlin was blockaded off, how do you think Truman sent supplies to Berlin? Someone: Plane! Someone else: Trucks! Valerie: JUST BRING IT TO THEM BY SHIP. GOD.
⚐ Report// Mr. Swaney showing off his new website to the other social studies teachers Mr. Swaney: Look at my new website! Ms. Manuel: You mean the website Will Shepherdson made for you... Will: Actually, my brother made it for Mr. Swaney.