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⚐ ReportSloe: What can activate this protein? Rohit: (mumbles) Gamma rays Sloe: Gammarase? Never heard of that enzyme.
⚐ Report//Multivar, doing problems Rohit: A wise man once said, if the bounds are expressions which are equal to a constant, then let u equal that expression. Ben: In The Art of War, Sun Tzu recommends an appropriate change of variables. //Schwartz walks over Schwartz: People think that The Art of War is about conflict. But actually, The Art of War is about a change of variables with a w sub as the radius.
⚐ Report//While reading the Odyssey in Dr. Smith's class Rohit: What has been your favorite book from English? Neo: Book 7
⚐ ReportRohit: So Simon, are you going to browse reddit all spring break? Simon: Of course I am! Rohit: But Why? //Mr.Street walks by Mr. Street: Why wouldn't you browse reddit all spring break?