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⚐ Report// doing a logistic word problem Kirk: give me 5 words *sheep, foot fungus, ducks, toenail clippings, speed trig* Kirk: see the last class was more creative, they didn’t just pick things they could see around them.
⚐ ReportKirk: I will eat this chicken sandwich if there is less than 1000 grams of mold on it. Kirk: I mean, two pounds is fine, right? You weight lifters know how much two pounds is, not that much. //later Kirk: So, we reach out to Bill Nye... and he dips [my chicken sandwich] in radioactive waste. Kirk: The mold no longer grows. It has a half-life of 6 days. Kirk: The sandwich was a very well-made sandwich. Radioactive waste can't mess it up. A chicken sandwich! //later Kirk: So it would take 20 days for the chicken sandwich to get to 1000g of mold, at which point I am willing to eat it. Student: Wouldn't it be easier to make another chicken sandwich? Kirk: No. It is a good chicken sandwich!
⚐ ReportHammond: what be a pirate’s favorite element? Alex Bidwell: Arrr-gon! Hammond: no! ‘tis an easy question! it be gold! Kirk (normal voice): idiot
⚐ ReportKirk: mr. Hammond, you haven’t drawn a pink elephant on the board in a while! Hammond (pirate voice): elephants do not be swimming in the briny deep! Hammond: they do be swimming though. Hammond: I have seen it on my travels!
⚐ ReportKirk: You could remove the yugoslavia part and just make it a math problem. //So True
⚐ ReportOstrander: That means everyone in this room is breathing in my armpit molecules