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⚐ Report// Signing up for Macbeth roles Sean: *Signs up for doctor* Sean: Just as my dad intended! // Later Jerry Song: I love doing the cry of women! Jerry: *Makes high pitched cryptic noise* Jerry: Bro I'm a natural.
⚐ ReportAnderson: It would be an ever-shifting mountain of mashed-potatoes, but it would still be a mountain! Sean: A delicious mountain! Anderson: It would be a delicious mountain. I love mashed-potatoes.
⚐ ReportAnderson: Prepositions! Anderson: Above, below, before, after, among! Sean: Among us?
⚐ ReportSean: Isaiah has a pimple on the back of his head and I'm thinking "Lord Voldemort".
⚐ Report//Discussing WiFi Safety Schafer: Now, for the skeptics among us... Sean: Among Us? Class: *laughter* Schafer: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be sus.
⚐ ReportAnderson: There's no milk in space. Raun: There's the Milky Way! Anderson: If anyone doesn't know this, I'm sorry to ruin it for you: Anderson: ... the Milky Way isn't actually made of milk. Isaiah: Inconcievable! Sean: Heretic!
⚐ ReportJerry Song: *sneezes* Sean: Bless you. Jsong: Thanks. Jsong: *sneezes again* Sean: Bless you. Jsong: I have been blessed by The Sean. Jsong: A life of prosperity awaits.
⚐ Report// Andy walks into quantum Sean: I lost the game! Schafer: I also lost the game!
⚐ Report//Ms. Bosse asks Jerry to give a do/don't for interviews. Jerry Song: Well, what I said was... Jsong: Like... Jsong; Don't... Jsong; Don't have long pauses. Sean: Ironic. Jsong: Ironic. Sean: *opens Blairbash* *Jsong and Sean look at each other* *Jsong and Sean nod their heads vigorously*
⚐ Report//Finishing Exploravision! Sean: Why did you name our presentation "that's insane"? Jerry Song: I didn't do that. I think that's the default name that Google Presentations gives it.