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⚐ ReportDelaney: Uhhhh lymph nodes...they're like Baltimore. Delaney: Has anyone been in Baltimore, on purpose before?
⚐ Report// Delaney is talking about his wife’s IVF again Delaney: and then, in January 2014, Cora [his younger child] was born— Mandy: oh wait you’re talking about your wife!
⚐ Report// Delaney hits the back of his leg on the same corner of a table Andy: Table: 2, Delaney: 0.
⚐ Report// Immunology Delaney: So if I get an isograft, it's from my incredibly attractive twin brother.
⚐ ReportDelaney: Like a bad divorce, the electrons spend most of their time around oxygen. Delaney: They can come visit hydrogen on the weekends.
⚐ Report// Bosse SRP is going to Delaney's room Jerry Song: Oh hey it's Delaney, let's follow him. *Delaney walks into the bathroom* Jerry: Nevermind then.
⚐ Report// Sean comes into immuno late Delaney: We will be modelling the immune system with legos. Delaney: They need your help, especially this one *gestures to Jerry Song*. Delaney: He is absolutely enamored with the wheels. Andy: It's his manifestation of his deprivation of Hot Wheels as a child.
⚐ ReportDelaney: If you have unruly children, you can give them a Benadryl. Delaney: I didn't say that out loud.
⚐ Report// Delaney explaining cell differentiation Delaney: So once you are differentiated, it is quite hard to change your path unless something dramatic happens. Delaney(significantly quieter): Such as leaving academia and deciding to teach instead.