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Oct. 3, 2011, 3:59 p.m.

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Schafer: It turns out that 68% of statistics are made up. Avikar: No, it's 88.



June 14, 2011, 11:26 p.m.

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Stein: Any rock could do that. Well, any reasonably smart rock could do that. Most rocks could do that.



June 2, 2011, 5:07 p.m.

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// Mr. Stein tells us about advertisement scams and gets a phone call Stein: Hold on. The number is 800. I'll turn up the speakers ... hello? Lady: Hi. This is ... and we're calling to tell you that your subscription is about to expire. Stein: Yeah, ok. But did you know that I'm in my Statistics class right now, and I just told my students how people call you all the time to scam you with advertisements, and I turned up my speakers all the way so that they can hear what you're saying? Lady: Uh okay, but I'm just calling to tell you that your subscription is about to expire. Stein: Yeah, I know. Lady: Well... *talks* Stein: Alright, bye. Class: *laughs* Someone: Wow, she was very angry



May 17, 2011, 4:21 p.m.

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//making an analogy in 9th pd statistics class Stein: like runners! I don't actually know 'cause I'm not a runner. Student: Why not? Stein: Well, I can barely even walk without tripping and falling.



March 16, 2011, 8:18 p.m.

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//Libby and Maggie ask Stein to put on Justin Bieber during Stat Stein: So which one is Justin Bieber? Girl: No not that one, he's the other one Ittai: The one that looks like a girl Stein: This one? How old is he? Ittai: 17 Stein: He's 17?! He looks like he's in seventh grade ... Bieber: Baby, baby, ba-- Stein: All right, I can't take any more of this! //Stein kills the sound Stein: That was just, uhhhhhhh... Dubstep was better



Feb. 2, 2011, 8:49 a.m.

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//Discussing the statistical causes of trends in sports. Vishnu dislikes Stein's analysis. Stein: Vishnu, some people accuse me of sucking all the joy and fun out of life by trying to look at things in a scientific way. I reject that accusation because I have fun doing it. My fun is just more rigorous and intellectually honest fun than yours.



Oct. 9, 2010, 7:03 p.m.

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Stein: I did see a lot of this on the homework and sometimes I see it on knowledge celebrations. [Students] do things like this: 'The median of this one is 17 and the median of this is 18. Q1 of this one is 14 and Q3 of this one is 12. The interquartile range of this one is 8 and the interquartile range of this one is 7. The fourth quartile da da da da da da da...' and I think of it as statistical diarrhea. That's a nice mental image, right?



Oct. 9, 2010, 12:16 p.m.

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Stein: Who has coins in their pockets? I need about twenty coins. I'm poor. This is how I pay for my family's dinner.



Oct. 9, 2010, 11:40 a.m.

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Stein: Any other questions before I get to normal probability plots? // A truck blows its horn outside for a few seconds Stein: Somebody doesn't like normal probability plots.



Oct. 2, 2010, 11:48 p.m.

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Stein: I have a couple things to tell you about this Standard Normal Probability Table. The good news is, I am willing to copy, at the expense of Montgomery County Public Schools, one of these for you. It is [also] on the inside cover of your textbook, however it is a pain in the butt to flip back and forth when you're doing your homework. If you lose [the copy], it is easy to find it. Just google image search "Standard Normal Probability Table", and you too can print out one of these. It's not a secret. That's the good news. Stein: The bad news is I don't call it the "Standard Normal Probability Table", and what I'm about to tell you is probably the most annoying thing you'll hear from me the whole year, and you're going to hear it over and over again until you can't stand it, because I call this thing the "CH-A-R-A-R-A-RT" *shouts in crazy fluctuating/yodeling tone*, like that. // students laugh Stein: Now, there's no reason for that. I've been doing it for probably twelve years, since I started teaching statistics. You can't stop me. I know it's annoying and I continue to do it, so there's nothing you can do about it. And probably in about ten minutes you're going to be sick of hearing about the "CH-A-R-A-R-A-RT", but there's nothing you can do about it and just think how you're going to feel in January. After every time you got this piece of paper out, the stupid teacher goes "CH-A-R-A-R-A-RT" and nobody knows why. And what makes it even stupider is this is not even a chart. It's a table, so there's no reason behind why I call it the "CH-A-R-A-R-A-RT". Stein: Now first of all, there are two sides to it. Do you see the column that says "z"? One side has positive z and the other side has negative z. Now, you might think to yourself, being a smart person... Students: ...self... Stein: Thank you... it's symmetric, so you don't really need both sides, right? Students: Right. Stein: And in fact, I learned this when I was tutoring a kid who was doing IB. In Europe, they only give you one side. And you can do the problems just fine with only one side, but there's a reason why Europe is in decline and the United States is the greatest country on Earth. And one of the reasons why the United States is the greatest country on Earth and Europe is in decline is that we have both sides because we're Americans, and we don't need both sides but damn it, we get both sides!